Holi 2024

Holi festival, also known as Holika, is the colourful Hindu festival celebrated on Falgun Purnima, the Full Moon day in Falgun Month. In 2024, Holi date is March 24|25. Празднование фестваля Весны и Красок ХОЛИ, вместе с местными жителями, которые будут петь и танцевать осыпая друг друга цветными порошками и поливая разноцветной водой.

Holi 2024 Celebrations In Different Parts Of India

Today is the most colourful day of the year! Happy Holi 2024!!! May you and your loved ones be blessed with great health, wealth, and prosperity on the auspicious day of Holi. The spring festival of Holi will be celebrated on March 25 in 2024. Know more about Holi festival, date, and celebrations across India. это яркий красочный весенний индийский фестиваль, популярный во всем мире. На протяжении празднования Холи люди бросаются красками и обливаются водой.

Holi 2024 : Unover Some Great Insight Of This Festival

Must Read Guide For The 2024 Holi Festival In Pushkar Celebrate the festival of colors with all the fun Holi 2024 parties in Delhi.
Holi 2024 in India Holi Events in INDIA 2024. Holi Events & Parties 2024. Holi is a traditional Hindu festival, celebrates the beginning of spring with the festival of colours.
When is Holi in 2024? - Happy Holi Celebration. Holi Festival 2022 – Holi is the religious festival of Hindus, which is originating from the Indian Subcontinent.
Holi – The Festival of Colours and Its Significance 2024 Holi Festival in India will be on Monday March 25th 2024, with Holika Dahan on Sunday March 24th 2024. The origins of Holi are based on a symbolic Hindu legend.
Holi 2024 Celebrations In Different Parts Of India - InstaAstro Holi festival is one of the major festivals of India, Holi is celebrated with enthusiasm and gaiety on the full moon day in the month of Phalgun which is the.

Holi in Dubai – Where to Get Your Colour on in March 2024

But every year, Indo-Canadian communities across the country keep up this colourful Indian tradition. They also decorate their homes with bright colours, sing and dance in small groups in the streets, attend special Hindu services, and often throw colourful chalk powder at one another. Previous Years.

Thus, Holika Dahan is celebrated a day before Holi. Still another mythological tale states that when Lord Shiva destroyed Kamadeva, he later resurrected him for the sake of his wife Rati. However, Kamadeva was brought to life only as a mental image. The festival is believed to celebrate that event.

The festival is celebrated in different ways around the country, the most famous one being in Mathura. Here, the festival lasts for 16 days, and is primarily played with flowers.

There is no comprehensive data to know the origins of the festival. However, Holi as we see it today is believed to have originated in Bengal, where the day was celebrated as Gaudiya Vaishnava festival. However, there are several mythological stories behind the origins of the festival. The most popular one is related to the killing of Holika. Mythology states that when Prahlad disobeyed the orders of Hrinyakashyapu and kept praying for Lord Vishnu, Hrinyakashyapu took the help of her sister, Holika, to kill him.

Holika took Prahlad in her lap and sat in a bonfire as she had immunity against fire.

Merchants on the street will be selling all sorts of colored powders leading up to the Holi Festival. Get a mix of different colors and get a few small bags for each color. If you can find small drawstring bags, those are even better. Think chalk bags for rock climbing. You can wear a few of these and easily access them. Some merchants sell powders that use potentially harmful substances. Try this home-made recipe for some harmless fun. Mix well and form a ball wear gloves. Using a rolling pin to flatten the ball into a flat disc.

Let the disc dry overnight. Use a coffee grinder to turn the disc back into a powder. Rub baby oil all over yourself before heading out. While the dry powders are relatively easy to get off, a lot of people were using water based powders that really stained. We forgot to the put on the baby oil and I spent the next 7 showers rubbing my skin raw and still coming out with a painted face. It did not look pretty. They locals have been doing this for a long time. Take their advice. Is Holi on your bucket list? He captures his adventures on whereandwander.

He is working through his bucket list and wants to help others do the same. Follow him on Instagram hellokien.

💦Holi - होली

HOLI 2024, Festival of Colours – Indian Society of WA 2024 Indian Holi Festival will be celebrated on March 25. Delhi, Jaipur and Agra are best places to celebrate Holi.
When is Holi 2024 - Date, Calendar, Celebrations The Holi Festival of Colors in India is a celebration of the victory of good over evil, the destruction of the demoness Holika. Know when is Holi 2023.

Holi India – Celebrate the Festival of Colors

The two-day festival is a pleasant way of welcoming spring. Know the date of Holi 2024. Its history, significance, and the top destinations to visit in India during the Holi festival of colours. Holi Festival 2024 on March 24-25, revered for its vibrant colors is one of the holiest religious celebrations for Hindus across the world. The festival of Holi in 2024 is celebrated on 25th March. It will be celebrated on the full moon night in the Hindu month of Phalguna. Celebrate the festival of colors with all the fun Holi 2024 parties in Delhi. 25 March 2024 All States Regional holiday. Monday. Holi is one of the most widely celebrated festivals in India. It is also celebrated in many countries all across the world.

Holi Festival in India

When the moon is in its full form, holika dahan is completed. Get all the facts about the 2024 Holi in India. Everyone plays with colorful colors on the day of Holi, which is celebrated throughout India. This is a major celebration for the people of India, and it takes place throughout the country. The 2024 Holi Date in India is covered in detail. Prahlad was saved, though Holika was burnt while sitting in the fire. Since then, Prahlad, a devoted follower of God, has started Holika Dahan.

The festival is celebrated by lighting a bonfire, and people gather around it to offer prayers and sing devotional songs. The bonfire symbolises good over evil, a reminder that truth and righteousness will always triumph. This year, Holika Dahan will be celebrated on March 24, 2024. The shubh muhurat for the puja starts at 6:24 pm and ends at 8:51 pm. It is celebrated with great fanfare and enthusiasm.

The festival marks the beginning of spring and is a time of joy and happiness. People of all ages participate in the celebrations. They dress in white clothes and engage in fun activities such as singing and dancing. The highlight of the festival is the throwing of colours. People smear each other with colours and water to mark the occasion.

So get ready to feast your eyes and your stomach! In Bihar and Uttar Pradesh, some traditional dishes made for Holi include malpua, Dahi vada, and thandai. Malpua is a pancake-like dish made from flour, milk, and sugar.

It will be celebrated on 25th March 2024. Is Holi a public holiday? Yes, Holi is a public holiday. Who killed Holika? What is the best muhurat for Holika Dahan? The best muhurat for Holika Dahan is from Evening 6:24 to 8:51, 7th March. However, in some parts of the country, it is also being performed on 6th of Marcg.

Но жене Шивы удалось выпросить у мужа, чтобы Камадева приобретал свое тело на три месяца каждый год. И по сей день, когда это происходит, вся природа цветет, а люди становятся добрее и любят друг друга. Ритуалы Холи Ритуалы древнего фестиваля Холи соблюдаются каждый год с рвением и энтузиазмом. За много дней до праздника люди начинают собирать дрова для костров, которые раскладывают на основных перекрестках или на специально определенном безопасном месте. К моменту фактического празднования уже собирается огромная куча дров. Вторая основная часть подготовки к празднику состоит в изготовлении чучела — фигурки Холики, предназначенного для сжигания в огне. Согласно индуистским писаниям, разжигание костров должно быть выполнено в определенный период суток, который называется мухурта и наступает после захода солнца в день Пурнимы Титхи полной луны , в противном случае она принесет большую беду. Выбор правильного мухурта для ритуала Холика Дахан является особенно важным. В идеале, Холика Дахан следует проводить во время знаменательного события Прадош Каал, когда встречаются день и ночь который начинается с момента захода солнца.

В 2016 году мухурта для Холика Дахан в Индии был рассчитан большинством астрологов на период от заката до около 9 часов вечера в зависимости от региона. До того, как разжечь костер, выполняется специальная пуджа молитва о здоровье и защите детей от плохих влияний. Традиция восходит к легенде о Холике и ее племяннике Прахладе. После разгорания костра люди начинают ходить вокруг него, петь религиозные песни, выкрикивать обидные слова в адрес Холики и бросать в огонь зерна и плоды, пока не чучело не сгорит. Когда огонь погаснет, в центр костра ставят зеленую ветку, символизирующую спасенного Прахлада. В некоторых местах заранее готовят две фигуры — Холики из горящего материала и Прахлада из негорящего. Многие уносят с собой домой угольки с костра как символ победы добра над злом и света над тьмой. Фестиваль красок проводится на следующий день — Дхалунди, который является главным для праздника Холи. Это день просто для удовольствия, особенно для детей.

Нет никаких обязательных ритуалов. Люди с утра выходят на улицу и посыпают друг друга цветной пудрой или поливают окрашенной водой. В каждой семье самый старший посыпает остальных краской, начиная с самого младшего. В этот день продолжаются народные гуляния, сопровожденные танцами, музыкой и кулинарными искушениями Вечером или на третий день люди приводят себя и свои дома в порядок, после чего обмениваются визитами с друзьями и родственниками, дарят друг другу подарки и сладости.

Фестиваль красок Холи 2024

You may also be interested to learn more about all the fabulous events in Dubai for Diwali , including a complete run down of firework displays and where to see the best lights! Before you go… More important things you should know when planning a trip to Dubai.

Holika was commanded to sit in the fire with Prahlad on her lap by Hiranyakashyap.

However, Prahlad was saved when Holika got burnt while sitting in the fire. As a result, Holi is commemorated in India on the same day as 2024, which will be celebrated as India Car Holi. Read this article carefully to get complete information on the Holi 2024 Date in India.

All of the auspicious times have been revealed when you may play Holi , as well as what occurs at Holika Dahan. Holi 2024 Date and auspicious time Falgun month full moon date will start: March 6, 2024 from 4. Falgun month full moon date will end: March 7 at 06:09.

Holika Dahan: On the evening of March 7, 2024, from 6:24 to 8:51 Holi of colors will be played on 8th March.

This is one of the significant festivals in Hinduism and observed by Indians residing worldwide. This is the day of letting go of all the grudges, embracing love, forgiving and repairing relations.

When is Holi in 2024? Holi is regarded as a public holiday in India, which is why all government offices, banks, universities, colleges and institutions remain closed on this day. Also, some places remain closed one day before Holi as well, which is popularly known as Choti Holi.

This day marks the end of gloomy winters and the arrival of bright spring. However, public dealing offices and institutions remain functional in other countries such as Australia, Canada, the UK and USA but can alter their opening or closing time accordingly. Large celebrations are carried out in such countries, and Indian natives residing there observe this occasion with equal fervour and merriment.

Holi in Mythology The history of Holi holds great religious and spiritual significance. There are various mythological legends associated with Holi in Hinduism. However, every one of them signifies the victory and why this day is regarded as one of the major events in India.

As per the Bhagavata Purana, since Hiranyakashyapu had earned several boons, he considered himself as a God and demanded from everyone to worship him.

История Холи Празднование Холи уходит корнями глубоко в индуистскую историю и мифологию. В зависимости от региона существуют разные легенды о происхождении Холи, но в основном все они сводятся к следующим: Холика и Прахлад Историю о Холике и Прахладе узнаем из священного индуистского текста Нарада Пурана. Он повествует о том, что жил когда-то король демон Хираньякашип. Его сын Прахлад стал последователем бога Вишну, которого отец ненавидел, и никто не мог отклонить его от выбранного пути. Тогда злой король задумал убить своего сына с помощью своей сестры Холики. У нее было магическое покрывало, спасающее от огня. Холика убедила племянника взойти с ней на костер и сесть к ней на колени.

Она надеялась таким образом сжечь принца, а самой остаться в живых. Но в действительности все произошло наоборот. Чудесным образом и не без помощи всевидящего Вишну покрывало сошло с плеч Холики и обернуло Прахлада. Так Холика сгорела, а Прахлад был спасен. Согласно другим версиям легенды, демон Холика была неуязвима для огня только в случае, если она взойдет на костер одна. Так как в данном случае она была в сопровождении Прахлада, пламя поглотило ее, а принц вышел из огня невредимым. Позже он узнал, что произошло по воле Нараяна одной из форм Вишну , который вознаградил мальчика за преданность. Радха и Кришна В молодости бог Кришна был очень игривым и задорным, но кожа у него была темно-синего цвета, потому что, когда он родился, злой демон пытался отравить его.

Поэтому Кришна очень завидовал светлой коже своей возлюбленной Радхи. Тогда мать молодого бога, чтобы успокоить его, предложила ему покрасить лицо Радхи любым цветом. Кришна обнял идею матери и в шутку полил краской Радху и ее подруг пастушек. А девушки погнали его палками и тоже стали поливать краской. Позже Кришна и Радха стали парой. Красивая сцена шалости Кришны, Радхи и других пастушек, играющих с цветными струями, воссоздана в ряде картин и фресок. С течением времени она получила признание и популярность.

2024 Holidays

Holi 2024 Date in India will be celebrated on Monday, March 25, 2024. According to the Hindu calendar, Holi is celebrated every year. Happy Holi Celebration. Holi Festival 2022 – Holi is the religious festival of Hindus, which is originating from the Indian Subcontinent. In this year 2024, Holi took place from March 24 to 25, although it is still celebrated in different parts of the world. Sunday, March 24th is day number 84 of the 2024 calendar year with 1 month, 11 days until the start of the Hindu festival of Holi 2024. Holi, one of India's most beloved festivals, is set to be celebrated on Monday, March 25th, in 2024, with the traditional Holika Dahan ceremony preceding it on March 24th. We have come up with a great collection of happy holi 2024 Images today. We have collected and designed all these happy holi Images by professional hands.

Holi Festival 2024-History and Celebration

Фестиваль Холи Праздник Холи: яркие фото и видео, подробное описание и отзывы о событии Праздник Холи в 2024 году.
2024 Holi Festival of Colors - Date, Events & Celebrations The Holi Festival of Colors in India is a celebration of the victory of good over evil, the destruction of the demoness Holika. Know when is Holi 2023.
Holi 2024 : Unover Some Great Insight Of This Festival Holi 2024 Dates. Holi is celebrated in March on the day after the full moon.
Холи 2023-Когда фестиваль красок в Индии? Our 8 day Holi tour in 2024 explores India's Golden Triangle before visiting rural India to celebrate Holi with the tradition of throwing coloured powders at friends and family.

Фестивали красок Холи 2024 года - ColorFest

К моменту фактического празднования уже собирается огромная куча дров. Вторая основная часть подготовки к празднику состоит в изготовлении чучела — фигурки Холики, предназначенного для сжигания в огне. Согласно индуистским писаниям, разжигание костров должно быть выполнено в определенный период суток, который называется мухурта и наступает после захода солнца в день Пурнимы Титхи полной луны , в противном случае она принесет большую беду. Выбор правильного мухурта для ритуала Холика Дахан является особенно важным. В идеале, Холика Дахан следует проводить во время знаменательного события Прадош Каал, когда встречаются день и ночь который начинается с момента захода солнца. В 2016 году мухурта для Холика Дахан в Индии был рассчитан большинством астрологов на период от заката до около 9 часов вечера в зависимости от региона.

До того, как разжечь костер, выполняется специальная пуджа молитва о здоровье и защите детей от плохих влияний. Традиция восходит к легенде о Холике и ее племяннике Прахладе. После разгорания костра люди начинают ходить вокруг него, петь религиозные песни, выкрикивать обидные слова в адрес Холики и бросать в огонь зерна и плоды, пока не чучело не сгорит. Когда огонь погаснет, в центр костра ставят зеленую ветку, символизирующую спасенного Прахлада. В некоторых местах заранее готовят две фигуры — Холики из горящего материала и Прахлада из негорящего.

Многие уносят с собой домой угольки с костра как символ победы добра над злом и света над тьмой. Фестиваль красок проводится на следующий день — Дхалунди, который является главным для праздника Холи. Это день просто для удовольствия, особенно для детей. Нет никаких обязательных ритуалов. Люди с утра выходят на улицу и посыпают друг друга цветной пудрой или поливают окрашенной водой.

В каждой семье самый старший посыпает остальных краской, начиная с самого младшего. В этот день продолжаются народные гуляния, сопровожденные танцами, музыкой и кулинарными искушениями Вечером или на третий день люди приводят себя и свои дома в порядок, после чего обмениваются визитами с друзьями и родственниками, дарят друг другу подарки и сладости. Этот день воспринимается также как праздник прощения и новых начал. Все ритуалы проводятся в праздничной обстановке. Везде люди танцуют, веселятся, выступают музыкальные и танцевальные ансамбли.

Родители дарят детям подарки.

According to Garg, the date of Holi each year is determined by the Hindu lunar calendar, with the holiday observed on the last full moon day, or Purnima, of the twelfth month of Phalguna which corresponds with either February or March in the Gregorian calendar, depending on the year. How to celebrate Holi: Want to take part in the fun this year? Here are a few ways to celebrate Holi with your own family. Invest in a packet of balloons that you can fill with water and toss at your friends and family, or take a more efficient route with a set of water blasters. Oh, and you can always use colored bath drops in a mini pool for a very effective and colorful!

Garg has a fabulous baked gujiya recipe for you to check out if you want a healthier way to celebrate. Planting seeds is a fun and easy activity to do with little ones on Holi — not to mention that it also teaches children about responsibility as they learn to care for their plants on a daily basis.

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Холика пыталась обманом заставить Прахладу сгореть на костре, но, поскольку ее намерения были злыми, именно она была сожжена и убита в ночь полнолуния.

Ритуалы Холика-Дахан начинаются только тогда, когда вечером видна полная луна. Благоприятное время мухурат длится 2 часа 27 минут с 18:24 до 20:51 7 марта. Считается, что сжигание чучела Холики в любое другое время приведет к неудаче. Однако готово костра для Холики может начаться за несколько недель. Бросание разноцветных порошков и воды в Холи является символом любви к богам, семье и друзьям независимо от возраста, касты и пола. Люди направляются в храмы и на улицы, вооруженные цветными порошками, водяными шариками и водяными пистолетами, чтобы присоединиться к гигантским цветным боям. В этот день вся страна будет праздновать радость красок.

Даты Холи на 2023-2030 гг.

Holi Celebration Date 2024

  • About Holi
  • Holi – The Festival of Colours and Its Significance
  • 💦Holi - होली
  • Holi Celebration Date 2024
  • Holi Festival 2024-History and Celebration
  • Holi 2024, 2025 and 2026

Легенды о происхождении торжества

  • Holi Festival 2024: Guide to the Festival of Joy - SmartPuja
  • Holi India – Celebrate the Festival of Colors
  • Holi 2024 - Holidays Today
  • In the year 2024, Holi is on 25th March, Monday

Holi Festival 2024-History and Celebration

Masala Radio presents the 15th Annual Houston Holi: Festival of Colors 2024 on Saturday, March 2nd. Houston Holi Festival is an Indo-American Community sponsored event organized in association with. Holi festival India 2024 is a riotous Hindu celebration where crowds douse each other with colour and water, India’s most fun festival. All about Holi Festival 2024, Check here Holi 2024 or Dhulandi or Dhuleti Festival Date Time, History, Holika Dahan Muhurat & Importance. The two-day festival is a pleasant way of welcoming spring. Know the date of Holi 2024. Its history, significance, and the top destinations to visit in India during the Holi festival of colours. Holi (Dolyatra, Doul Jatra, Basanta-Utsav) is the Hindu festival colors that celebrates the triumph of good over evil, good harvest, and fertility. It usually falls in the later part of February or March.

Holi festival in Nepal 2024

Overall, the colourful and joyous nature of the celebration has earned Holi the title of the festival of colours. What is Holika Dahan? Holika Dahan, also known as Chhoti Holi, is the first day of Holi festivities. It is celebrated on the evening before Holi, and it marks the burning of Holika, a demoness who tried to kill Prahlad, a devotee of Lord Vishnu. Holika Dahan is a symbolic burning of evil and a celebration of the triumph of good over evil.

What is the significance of Holika Dahan? It is a reminder that good always triumphs over evil. The fire from Holika Dahan is considered sacred and is used to light the Holi bonfire on the following day.

In fact, the Indian festival must be a part of the tour to India. But people do enjoy fun. The legend of Kamadeva is very predominant in this part of the country. The folk songs narrate the tragic history of Rati and Kamdeva.

In any case, yet this celebration is considered as a festival of Love. The folk songs sung during the Holi festival are melancholic songs, which portray the tragic story of Rati, the wife of Kamdeva. Holi festival 2022 in kolkata also celebrate on same day. Here the festival marks the victory of good over evil. However, the holi festival is also celebrated as the festival of Love. It is also a religious festival in Nepal, where they celebrate it with colors and joy. Holi celebration is getting increasingly more popular in Kathmandu.

On these days, children are playing with a small balloon filled with colored water and water sprayer for a week before its main day of holi festival.

On the morning of Holi Festival, Delhi ushers in a grand carnival, a large number of people, young and old, men and women, go out to the streets, smear colored powders and water to each other, sing and dance, chant and enjoy Holi delicacies, and say "Holi hai It is Holi! Held in New Delhi, it is a carnival with non-toxic colors, street food, thandai a yogurt drink with spices , dance and music from folk to rock music to get everyone in the mood. There are also many Holi parties with live performances, music, dance, colors and more held in many places in Delhi to celebrate the spirit of Holi. Tip: Avoid backpacker area in Delhi, e. The Jaipur Elephant Festival is usually celebrated annually on the eve of or the day of Holi, featuring elephant beauty contests, elephant polo and elephant dance. It starts with a traditional procession of elephants lovingly painted and beautifully decorated with glittering ornaments and embroidered velvets.

However, it has been canceled since 2012, due to protest from animal rights groups. Rajasthan Tourism organizes a special event for visitors on the lawns of Khasa Kothi Hotel on the morning of Holi as an alternative of the Elephant Festival. The event features local Rajasthani folk music and the colored powders, but no elephants. You can take part in the event even you are not a guest of the hotel. In Barsana, thousands of people celebrate Lath Mar Holi at the Radha Rani temple, where women beat up men with sticks and men protect themselves with shields, while those on the sidelines feel extremely excited, singing Holi songs and shouting "Sri Krishna". In Vrindavan and Mathura the birthplace of Lord Krishna , the festival is celebrated with special puja and traditional celebrations to worship Lord Krishna, who is also called Makhan Chor literally means Butter Thief. The celebrations include Matki Phod breaking of the pot , a pottery pot filled with buttermilk or other dairies, hanging high with a rope in the street.

People enjoying the Holi Holi Festival in Udaipur Udaipur is also a great place to embrace the true spirit of Holi, where you also can experience Holi in the most luxurious settings. On the eve of Holi, there will be a grand and elaborate procession of the royal band, decorated horses, etc. Later, the sacred fire will be lit and a Holika statue will be burnt, with folk dancing, singing, drumming, cocktails, an elaborate dinner and fireworks, attended by dignitaries, guests and foreign tourists. Local men gather around an unlit bonfire on a square, throw garlands and wooden branches onto the fire and light the bonfire. Soon the flames grow higher than two stories. After the flames die out, everyone brings pieces of burning embers to their home, which symbolizes bringing good luck to the home. The color-throwing festivities start early in the morning of Holi.

A dance party is held in the central square of Pushkar with everyone covered with beautiful colors. In addition to Holi, Pushkar celebrates the annual Camel Fair in which thousands of camels gather in this beautiful desert town. In Holika Dahan, the day before Holi, people light a bonfire, throw dung cakes and wood into the fire and offer grain to the fire god.

The Legend of Lord Shiva According to several mythological legends, it is believed that Goddess Parvati wanted Lord Shiva to come back from his meditative state. For this, she asked Kamdev, the Hindu God of Love, to help her out.

Hearing this, he started shooting arrows at Lord Shiva, but got burned to ashes since Lord Shiva got angry and opened his third eye. Upon seeing this, Lord Shiva understood and forgave the whole act, and restored Kamdev in all his glory. The day on which the God of Love returned is celebrated as Holi. It is believed that by all kinds of negativity, evil spirits and bad thoughts get eliminated with the blazing bonfire on Holika. The ashes in the air after the bonfire is lit is said to purify the environment and provide protection against evil spirits and diseases.

Colors, gulal and sweet dishes such as Gujhiyas are also known to be some of the popular Holi symbols. Holika Dahan on Holi Several rituals and customs are followed on the colorful festival of Holi. The earliest mentions about this festival can be found in the Dasakumara Charita and during the 4th Century by the famous poet Kalidas. The festival of Holi begins one day before the actual day, when the ritual of Holika Dahan is carried out. This was because Prahald, the son of King Hiranyakashyapu, was a devout devotee of Lord Vishnu, and when on the pyre, started chanting his name.

When is Holi in 2024?

How to celebrate holi? Holi is a very important festival in India. A festival of colors, Holi is celebrated by people of all religion. Enjoy the Holi 2024 with wallpapers, history, recipes and greeting cards. Holi in 2024 will start from 25 March and will continue for two days till 26 March. According to the Hindu Calendar 2024, Holi festival is celebrated on Phalgun Purnima (Pooranmashi) in the month of Phalgun. Holi 2024 будет праздноваться 25 марта, что приходится на полнолуние в месяце Фалгуна по индийскому лунному календарю. Holi is a festival of joy and happiness which spread real colour and pleasure in the life of everyone. Here is the date of Holi Festival 2024: Name of Festivals. Holi festival, also known as Holika, is the colourful Hindu festival celebrated on Falgun Purnima, the Full Moon day in Falgun Month. In 2024, Holi date is March 24|25. 2024 Indian Holi Festival will be celebrated on March 25. Delhi, Jaipur and Agra are best places to celebrate Holi.

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